Time to find a new job? This can be a time filled with mixed emotions and uncertainty, but it doesn’t have to be. Starting a new job marks a new chapter in your life, it brings opportunities to learn new things, advance your career, and maybe even help you find the job of your dreams!
While the process can be a bit intimidating and time-consuming, your hard work can pay off if you go about it the right way. Using The Canadian Career Development Foundation’s Job Search Workbook we’ve broken down their 4 step process into a 4-week guide to help you through your current or next job search. You may follow the workbook solely or follow along with us week by week to tackle the process one step at a time.
This week we will “Check For Fit” to ensure that the job you’re looking for is right for you personally as well as professionally.
Assess Internally
First, we will assess internally to help you identify your skills, interests, values and personal characteristics. Check out the following links below to get you started.
Assess Externally
Next, you will assess externally to help you identify the type of work conditions and environments that will best suit you.
Map Your Work Objective
Now that you’ve assessed both internally and externally, you should have a better idea of the type of jobs that would best suit you and your needs. You are now able to use this information to help build your career map! Other factors you will want to consider here are work conditions, job duties, co-workers, management, work environment as well as your interests and skills. You can follow the steps directly from the workbook on pages 8-14 or can also check out the following links to help you prepare your map.
Great work! Check back next week for 3 Key Tools You’ll Need for a Successful Job Search.
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