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A 4-Week Guide to Getting a Job, Week 2: 3 Key Tools You’ll Need for a Successful Job Search

Now that you have a better idea of what you want, what you are able to provide and what type of role you are looking for, it is time to prepare yourself with these 3 key tools with resources to help you along with your job search! You can review pages 15-58 in the Job Search Guide we introduced last week.

A Good Resume

A resume is an important tool for you during your job search as it offers you space where you can display your current and complete list of skills and experience. A good resume is even more important as employers often have several resumes to go through and a limited amount of time to do so. Check out the following resources to help make your resume stand out from the rest!


Job references are just as important in helping employers decide whether or not you’re a good fit for the job.  They will learn more about you through a reference than possible from scanning your resume. Check out these 13 tips for choosing the best job references.

Career Pitch

A Career Pitch (often called an elevator pitch) is a brief script that you have prepared and rehearsed so that you can use it when the opportunity presents itself. It’s a quick summary of who you are, your goals and your achievements. Fun fact: the term elevator pitch comes from the time it takes to ride an elevator from the bottom to the top of a building – about 30 seconds! Elevator pitches are often thought to be something used to pitch an idea or something a salesperson may use to sell a product, but having a pitch to sell yourself as a professional is also a great way to use one.

Nicely done! Check back next week for the third step in the Work Search Process: Master Networking & Nail the Job Interview.

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